Our "Good Films You May Have Missed" series calls attention to movies new and old that Filmworks didn't show for one reason or another. Titles are available (or soon will be) from Netflix and other [...] Continue Reading
García Bernal plays it young, fun, and serious
By Jefferson Beavers On May 10, Filmworks screens the Chilean political drama NO, starring Gael García Bernal as a brash, young ad man who creates an advertising campaign to bring down Chilean [...] Continue Reading
Say YES to movies about advertising
By Olga Verkhotina Most people – if they're thinking clearly – take advertising skeptically. A frequently quoted 2004 study by a marketing services consultants Yankelovich Partners suggests that [...] Continue Reading
Volunteer of the Month: Alyssa Rendon
April 2013 Volunteer of the Month: Alyssa Rendon Occupation: Assistant teacher, academic program coordinator, nanny. Fun fact: In addition to volunteering at this year's festival, Alyssa also [...] Continue Reading
Good Films: Movies about art and artists
This series, "Good Films You May Have Missed," calls attention to movies new and old that Filmworks didn't show for one reason or another. Titles are available (or soon will be) from Netflix and other [...] Continue Reading
A fresh take on a famous fairy tale
By Olga Verkhotina Who doesn't love good, old-fashioned fairy tales? No matter how old we get, we can all forget whatever we are working on and make time to read or watch a favorite childhood [...] Continue Reading
On the Road adaptation highlights trio of newcomers
By Olga Verkhotina While Jack Kerouac's famous Beat Generation novel "On the Road" has existed since 1957, its newly adapted movie version offers something new. Producers of the film, which [...] Continue Reading
Volunteer of the Month: Nené Casares
March 2013 Volunteer of the Month: Nené Casares Occupation: Retired after working on special events for The Fresno Bee for 40 years. (Nené also serves on the Filmworks advisory board.) When did you [...] Continue Reading