Occupation: Linda is currently retired, and she enjoys being a community volunteer.
What are some of your hobbies? “I am a part-time student at Fresno City College, taking film and photography classes. I also volunteer for Tzu Chi medical team. We are a nonprofit medical clinic in Fresno. We provide humanitarian support with compassion and respect for all. We have been in Fresno for over 20 years and in existence for over 47 years.”
How else do you spend your free time? “I photograph events and I am also an interpreter. Taking photographs and filming is a hobby where I learn to polish my craft. I am part of the American Indian Veterans Association color guard. We present the flags at military events and veterans’ funerals. I also enjoy reading, cooking, swimming, and going to the movies. When I have free time, I love to travel to new places.”
What are some of your favorite movie genres? “My favorite movies are the black-and-white films, at a time when men and women dressed up for occasions, and music and romance filled the air.”
What’s your favorite movie of all time? “Favorite movie? Wow! I’d say Gone With The Wind.”
What are some of the things you do at Filmworks screenings? “I take tickets, and I meet and greet patrons with, ‘Thank you for your support and enjoy the movie.’ I’m a people person and active, so i like to move around.”
What has been your favorite Filmworks event or memory? “My favorite event is either the festival opening party or Academy Award night [with the Oscar-nominated short films].”
Filmworks thanks all of our October 2013 volunteers: Lorna Bonyhadi, Benjamin Boone (discussant), Karin Carlson, Nené Casares, Mike Dana (discussant), Fae Giffen, Karen Hammer, Linda Hernandez, Caroline Jackson, Carl Johnsen, Kathryn Johnsen, Steve Malm, Sarah Nixon, Shlomo Pleban, Gene Richards, Zoe Smurr, Sky Sweet, Colby Tibbet (intern), Lorraine Tomerlin, Jon Veinberg.
Past volunteers of the month:
• September 2013 – Susan Rogers
• August 2013 – Joan and Brijesh Sharma
• July 2013 – Jon Veinberg
• June 2013 – Richard Stone
• May 2013 – Sarah Nixon
• April 2013 – Alyssa Rendon
• March 2013 – Nené Casares
Contact our volunteer director, Gloria Burrola, to volunteer at a future screening.