Synopsis & Film Details
Hilarious and frequently surreal, the stop-motion extravaganza A Town Called Panic has endless charms and raucous laughs for children from eight to eighty. Based on the Belgian animated cult TV series (which was released by Wallace & Gromit’s Aardman Studios), Panic stars three plastic toys named Cowboy, Indian, and Horse who share a rambling house in a rural town that never fails to attract the weirdest events.
Directed by Stéphane Aubier & Vincent Patar
France, 2009, 35mm
75 minutes
Companion Short Film
- Anthony Hays (USA)
- 8 minutes
- A cruel and negligent father runs out of gas while driving along a desolate road. The son is left in the car as the father walks to retrieve gas. Triggered by his View-master toy, the boy’s imagination takes off like a rocket ship.
- http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1578842/