Synopsis & Film Details
Fresno Filmworks presents the American-Japanese film “Oh Lucy!” from executive producers Will Ferrell and Adam McKay and writer and director Atsuko Hirayanagi. The film follows Setsuko, a lonely and unfulfilled woman living in Tokyo, who is convinced by her niece to enroll in an English class. Donning a blonde wig in class she discovers her American alter-ego, Lucy, and begins developing feelings for her American instructor, John. When John suddenly disappears, Setsuko sets her mind on going after him, even if it means traveling around the world to Los Angeles to find him. Starring Shinobu Terajima and Josh Hartnett. Presented in English and Japanese with English subtitles. Assistive listening services are not available for this film.
Director: Atsuko Hirayanagi
USA & Japan • 96 minutes • Not rated
Distributor: Film Movement
Filmworks thanks K-Jewel 105.5 FM, The Fresno Bee, Vida en el Valle, and Stella Artois for their ongoing support.