Screening Times
7:00 pm
Wednesday, September 16, 2020
Screening Locations
Virtual Advance Screening
Synopsis & Film Details
In anticipation of the 2020 presidential election, ALL IN: THE FIGHT FOR DEMOCRACY examines the often overlooked, yet insidious issue of voter suppression in the United States. The film interweaves personal experiences with current activism and historical insight to expose a problem that has corrupted our democracy from the very beginning. With the perspective and expertise of Stacey Abrams, the former Minority Leader of the Georgia House of Representatives, the documentary offers an insider’s look into laws and barriers to voting that most people don’t even know are threats to their basic rights as citizens of the United States.
How to Watch
Amazon Studios will be having a virtual advance screening of this film on Wednesday, September 16th at 7:00pm PST.
To download a screening pass:
Please visit www.AmazonScreenings.com
Click on the orange “Redeem Pass” button & enter the code:
Once you register for the screening you will receive an email confirmation. One hour before the start of the 7:00pm PST screening on September 16 you will be emailed an individual screening link. The link will send you to a virtual waiting room before the film starts. The film starts at 7:00pm PST and if you click on the link after 7:00pm PST you will not be able to watch the virtual advance screening.
Directed By Liz Garbus & Lisa CortésCountry of Origin USA
Language English
Film Length 102 minutes
Rating PG-13
Distributor Amazon Studios
Critic Reviews
Odie Henderson, Roger EbertA valuable public service wrapped in an educational, informative, and engaging documentary.
Leslie Felperin, Hollywood ReporterAn exemplary civics lesson.