Several weeks ago, when reminding a friend and faithful Filmworks supporter about our then-upcoming film Blind Shaft, I described it as “a film noir from China.” Her reaction was not at all what I [...] Continue Reading
Playing with Time
Many years ago, Jean-Luc Godard responded to a detractor’s stuffy insistence that all films have a beginning, middle, and end. “Certainly,” he said. “But not necessarily in that order.” While most [...] Continue Reading
Asia’s Newest “New Wave”
If you’ve never seen a Korean film theatrically, don’t be too hard on yourself, or on Fresno theaters for that matter. While South Korean cinema may be the latest “new wave” from the Pacific Rim, very [...] Continue Reading
Film Literacy
Welcome to “Film Forum,” a new feature of Clips. Jim Piper and I have been asked to carry on a conversation about movies in these pages – what’s going on around town, what to look for on video, what a [...] Continue Reading
ICYMI No.1: Disability films
This is the first installment of "Good Films You May Have Missed," a series that will call attention to movies new and old that Filmworks didn't show for one reason or another. Titles are available [...] Continue Reading