Probably the city has been written about and filmed more often than any other topic of serious human endeavor—certainly more than war, science, and art, and probably religion, too. Go to Wikipedia and [...] Continue Reading
Mystery of the troubled soul exhibited in our December 9 film, Take Shelter
In a sense, all films are allegorical, and usually we are glad they are. After all, films are supposed to provide expanded meaning, and few methods accomplish this better than stories that rest on [...] Continue Reading
Graham Greene’s “worst horror”: Adapting to the Conventional Ending
(Warning—spoilers ahead.) “She walked rapidly in the thin June sunlight towards the worst horror of all.” So ends Graham Greene’s 1938 novel, Brighton Rock. Greene’s readers know exactly what [...] Continue Reading
Irresistible Brendan Gleeson, in an Irish “bad” cop comedy
Normally, as viewers, we ought to be on the side of good cops, not bad. But are we really? Does anyone really prefer proper, buttoned-up, fedora-sporting Jack Webb as Sgt. Friday yes ma’am-ing through [...] Continue Reading
Do opposites attract? They do in our September film, The Names of Love
This French film, which we will show on Friday, September 9th, is about a high-spirited young woman, Baya, who might remind you of sixties ideology, especially “Make love, not war.” Though thoroughly [...] Continue Reading
Terri, an outsider film, is our August 12 offering
Mike Plante, who writes a blog about film festivals, proposes something called the “Cinema of Outsiders.” By this he means not only are most independent (and leading foreign) filmmakers “outsiders” to [...] Continue Reading
Multilayered, Oscar-winning Danish film is our June 10 offering
Our film this month, In a Better World, has enough issues going on for several films. The story—maybe that should be plural—is primarily about a Danish physician, Anton, played by Mikael Persbrandt, [...] Continue Reading
Certified Copy, a metaphysical journey of art and love
Our May film features two masters, one an actor, the other a director. The actor is the French Juliette Binoche, the other the world-renown Iranian film director Abbas Kiorastami. The film is called [...] Continue Reading