The Richard Ayoade film "The Double" looks intriguing and compelling on many levels, but the black comedy wouldn't be billed as one of the best films of 2014 so far without its two young stars, Mia [...] Continue Reading
Volunteer Spotlight: Lorna Bonyhadi
June 2014 Volunteer Spotlight: Lorna Bonyhadi Occupation: Lorna is a retired Registered Nurse. "I was the nurse executive at the V.A. hospital. Now I try to fill my time with volunteer work. I [...] Continue Reading
Volunteer Spotlight: Celeste DeMonte and Neal Howard
May 2014 Volunteer Spotlight: Celeste DeMonte and Neal Howard Occupations: Celeste works as a technical writer for the software company Famous Software. Neal is a retired pharmacist. Celeste: "I [...] Continue Reading