Synopsis & Film Details
Fresno Filmworks presents the Palestinian drama “The Idol,” inspired by the incredible true story of a Gaza refugee who won the hearts of an entire region in 2013 when he won the Arab world’s version of American Idol. The movie follows the dream of Mohammad Assaf, a popular wedding singer whose band plays on second-hand, beat-up instruments but whose ambitions are to someday play the world famous Cairo Opera Hall. On his unlikely journey against impossible odds, Mohammed retains hope that his voice will transcend the pain that surrounds him and bring joy to others. Although the borders are closed, he finds a way to reach the Arab Idol auditions in Cairo and make it in front of the judges. From there, destiny awaits. Directed by acclaimed filmmaker Hany Abu-Assad, who also directed “Omar” (2013) and “Paradise Now” (2005). In Arabic, with English subtitles.
Director: Hany Abu-Assad
Distributor: Adopt Films
Palestine / Argentina • 95 minutes • Not Rated
Aimee & Kamal Abu-Shamsieh
Palestine Freedom Project
Filmworks thanks Jewel FM 99.3, The Fresno Bee, Vida en el Valle, and Stella Artois for their ongoing support.